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Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Hazardous Valley: Fresh smell of green grass below the tree shade makes the mood more mysterious. Will I meet the triplets who turned to hideous snakes for the sake of greed?

Entry Item: Nearly-hatching Egg
Alternative Entry: 2 Force Gem
Entry Level: Level 155 above
Difficulty Levels: Easy, Normal, Hard
Honor Point:
Duration: 20 minutes
Map: Green Despair
Chests: 4
Dungeon Category: DX

Hazardous Valley Dungeon Guide

The dungeon is a straight-path dungeon (so you can't get lost).
  1. Kill all Hazardous Leaf mobs.
  2. Kill all Hazardous Moscutter mobs to open the Thorny Vine gate.
  3. Kill the 3 Hazardous Mantis mobs.
  4. Kill all Hazardous Toads to open the Thorny Vine gate. (The area on the bridge is too narrow so you can't lure all toads in 1 location. Divide them into two and kill them by batch.)
  5. Kill the mini boss: Hazardous Lug.
  6. Open the Treasure Chest.
  7. Kill all Hazardous Zard.
  8. Kill all Hazardous Snakes to open the Thorny Vine gate.
  9. Go to the river area and kill the first boss: Seductive Orphidia.
  10. Open the Relic Chest.
  11. Go back to the land area and kill Hazardous White Snake.
  12. Go to the river area and kill the second boss: Dazzling Orphidia.
  13. Open the Legacy Chest.
  14. Go back to the land area and kill Hazardous White Snake.
  15. Go to the river area and kill the third/final boss: Attractive Orphidia.
  16. Open the Legendary Box.
  17. Dungeon cleared.
Watch the Hazardous Valley dungeon walkthrough below or view the picture-by-picture guide:

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)

Dungeon Guide: Hazardous Valley (DX)


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